Winter Weather is Here! Are You and Your Car Ready?

Baby It's Cold Outside!

The cold weather is here along with all the elements that fall from the sky, and that means....winter driving conditions! With the increase in hazardous road conditions, it's important to be prepared to keep yourself safe on the roads. Here are some tips from the experts at Mad Hatter Auto Repair on how to prepare yourself, and your vehicle, for winter driving.

Safety Tips for Driving in Wintry Weather

When driving in wintry conditions, it's important to take extra precautions on the road. Follow these simple tips to help ensure you arrive at your destination safely:

  1. Be sure to leave plenty of room between you and other vehicles so that you have ample time to stop or maneuver if needed.
  2. Slow down (even if the speed limit is higher) as icy roads can cause a car to lose control more quickly than driving on dry pavement.
  3. Be sure to turn off cruise control so that you can react immediately if warranted.
  4. Use caution in areas where black ice may form, such as bridges or overpasses, as those spots tend to freeze faster than other parts of the roadway due to their lack of sunlight exposure during colder months.

Preparing Your Vehicle for Winter Driving

The most important thing you can do when preparing your vehicle for winter is to have it inspected by a professional. Have your battery tested and make sure your tires have enough tread and pressure to handle snow and ice-covered roads. You should also check all of your lights and make sure your windshield wipers are working properly. Additionally, it's always a good idea to top off all of your fluids, including antifreeze, oil, brake fluid, transmission fluid, power steering fluid, and windshield washer fluid.

Be Prepared for Anything

Just as important as making sure your vehicle is prepared for the winter, is to make sure you are prepared should the unthinkable happen. This is probably the one thing that most drivers fail to even think about. Before you hit the road and go over the hills and through the snow, take a few minutes to make sure you have done the following:

  • Make sure your car has a full tank of gas and pack a flashlight and jumper cables
  • Create a "to-go" kit, which includes a first-aid kit, blankets, non-perishable snacks, and water
  • Plan your route ahead of time and be aware of road conditions by checking your local news and radio stations

Should the worst-case scenario happen -- you get stranded -- it is crucial that you remain in your car and wait for help to arrive.

Mad Hatter Auto Repair - Auto Service and Repair Experts!

Winter driving can be frightful, but with some preparation and caution, the drive can be delightful! Follow these tips on preparing your vehicle for winter driving from the expert mechanics at Mad Hatter Auto Repair, and stay safe this season! Be sure to contact us for any additional questions about winter maintenance or repairs -- we're always happy to help! In Omaha call (402) 330-2286 and in Council Bluffs call (712) 322-7500.

Written by Mad Hatter Auto Repair